How to Turn Your Mom into a Monster cover image by Aurora Whittet Best. Winner of Gold IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award, Bronze Moonbeam Children's picture book awards, and Eric Hoffer Grand prize finalist.

How To Turn Your Mom into a Monster


Children’s Picture Book Writer & Illustrator, Bookmarks, Temporary Tattoos

Do you like smearing your lunch all over yourself? Do you fight with your sister just because she’s there? Do you find yourself unable to go to bed because mysterious ninjas keep stealing your pajamas? Then you’re a little monster! Guess what: Mom can be a monster too! It’s up to you to make your mom’s monster come out to play . . .

How to Turn Your Mom into a Monster by Aurora Whittet Best book, tattoos and bookmarkes
How to Turn Your Mom into a Monster. Monster Farts
Monster Bookmark and Tattoos